
Local Products

Besides the A.O.C. cheese from Banon, oilve oil from Haute-Provence, wine from the côteaux de Pierrevert, essential oil of lavender from Haute-Provence, and the I.G.P., lamb from Sisteron, small spelt from Haute-Provence, apples from the Alpes de Haute-Durance, honey from Provence, lavender and lavandin honey, the department of the Alpes de Haute-Provence is filled with original, quality produce which contributes to its image of a good, healthy life.
And in the markets you can also find herbes de Provence, label rouge, truffles, chestnuts, saffron, almonds or charcuterie from the Ubaye and Thoard.
More information on :

  • Maison de produits de Jausiers
  • Maison de produits d'Allemagne en Provence
  • Forcalquier (9).jpg
  • Marché  paysan Digne les Bains (23).jpg
  • Distilleries et Domaines de Provence à Forcalquier-44.jpg
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A true local pride, the agrifood heritage of the province of Cuneo is characterized by the wealth and diversity of its produce: wines to sweets, meats, cheese, fruit and vegetables.
All highly-prized by Italian consumers, they are also widely appreciated all over Europe.
The province has a record number of quality labels which are the signs of its know-how in matters of agrifood produce: 9 cheeses and meats AOP, 6 wines AOCG and 13 AOC, 2 fruits IGP.

  • AOC : Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée / Protected Designation of Origin
  • IGP : Indication Géographique Protégée / Protected Geographical Indication
  • DOP : Denominazione di Origine Protetta / Protected Designation of Origin
  • DOC : Denominazione di Origine Controllata / Protected Designation of Origin
  • DOCG : Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita / Protected and Guaranteed Designation of Origin



Vidéo 5ème film 3/4 minutes
Valorisation des produits du terroir à travers les productions locales.



Conseil Général des Alpes de haute Provence Agence de Développement Touristique des Alpes de haute Provence Official site of the Province of Cuneo Site Alcotra - Alpes Latines COopération TRAnsfrontalière - Alpi Latine COoperazione TRAnsfrontaliera Gateway to the European Union